Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A+ Potheads

By Jamela Gibson

Puff puff pass. Staying up late and studying for an exam are the days of the past. Today, some students find inspiration in doing well in school by smoking what some might call marijuana, “Mary Jane” or “weed.” While some students get good grades the “old fashion” way by staying up late at night studying, others turn to weed for motivation. With the pressures of deadlines and presentations, getting high is an escape. For others, it’s a way for them to focus better.

Sara AbiBoutros, senior at Plattsburgh State finds it easier to focus while smoking marijuana and writing papers at the same time. “I smoke while I do my homework. I roll my blunts on textbooks and stuff. Smoking gives me something to do while working,” explains Sara as she laughs. “I even go to class high at times, and depending on what class it is.” I’m just like man, I can’t even deal with what we’re talking about right now,” AbiBoutros added.
Smoking marijuana seems to be a new trend that college students are picking up.

She isn’t the only student that finds inspiration in the blunt and the massive amounts of smoke it lets out once it’s lit.

Sophomore at Plattsburgh State, Cassandra Thomas smokes every day. “I’m more focused than sober,” she said. I have more ideas, and if I’m on a computer I just write the paper rather than being on facebook.”

Is it a conscience thing for students to do homework when they’re high or is the marijuana really helping them to focus? Plattsburgh State basketball star says he smokes everyday and attends class high. “I smoke every single day, and I can’t do my homework unless I’m high,” says Patrick*.

Is smoking really giving students their inspiration to do better in class and write better papers than if they weren’t high? Is smoking marijuana really killing brain cells or enhancing them?

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